Filing an Extension | FAQs
Information for Tax Year 2022
Need more time to file? You can request an extension to file your U.S. individual income tax return, however, the extension does not apply to paying your taxes. Here are some FAQs about filing an extension.
Who is eligible for an extension?
Taxpayers filing an individual tax return are eligible for an extension if they request one.
Why file an extension?
If you don't think you can submit a complete and accurate tax return by the tax deadline, then you should request an extension of time to file. Reasons you may want to file an extension include:
Waiting on additional forms and information
Waiting for a corrected form
Unexpected life events
Even if you aren't able to pay taxes owed by the tax deadline, you should file an extension for your tax return to avoid additional penalties for not filing on time.
How does an extension affect taxes owed?
If you expect to owe taxes, than you must pay by the tax deadline to avoid penalties and interest. Filing an extension only extends the time to file your tax return, not the time you have to pay. Even if you are unable to pay the taxes you owe in full, you should pay as much as you can.
How much time does the extension give me?
An extension provides 6 additional months to file from the original tax deadline, which is typically October 15. This year, since October 15 falls over the weekend, the deadline to file a tax return on extension is October 16, 2023.
When is the deadline to request an extension?
The deadline to request an extension is the same day as the tax deadline, which is typically April 15. This year, since April 15 falls over the weekend and April 17, 2023, is a District holiday, the deadline to file a tax return on extension is April 18, 2023.
How do I request an extension?
There are three ways you can request an extension to file your tax return:
Pay all or part of your estimated tax due and indicate that the payment is for an extension
File a Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return electronically, either through the IRS website or a tax professional (like us!)
If you would like to make a payment by check or money order when requesting the extension, you can fill out and mail Form 4868 with the payment enclosed
Need help filing an extension? Give us a call at (360) 922-0235. We're open all year long!
Disclaimer: This material is prepared for informational purposes only, and is not tax advice. Please speak with a tax professional or visit the additional resources below to see how this information may apply to you.